How to Cut Cucumber for Sushi

How to Cut Cucumber for Sushi

by wpx_admin
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Do you know how to properly cut cucumber for sushi? It may seem like a simple task, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Read on to learn the best way to cut cucumber for sushi.

How to Cut Cucumber for SushiCheckout this video:


Cucumber is a refreshing and healthy addition to any sushi dish. It can be eaten on its own or combined with other ingredients to create a more complex flavor. Cucumber sushi is simple to make and can be a great way to enjoy this versatile vegetable.

Cutting cucumber for sushi is easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your cucumber pieces are the perfect size and shape. First, cut the cucumber lengthwise into quarters. Then, cut each quarter crosswise into three pieces. The resulting cucumbers should be about the same size as the sushi rice balls.

Once your cucumbers are cut, it’s time to start assemble your sushi. Start by spreading a layer of sushi rice on a piece of nori seaweed. Then, add a layer of cucumber slices on top of the rice. You can add other ingredients at this point, such as avocado or salmon, if desired. Finally, roll up the nori seaweed around the filling ingredients and slice into pieces.

Serve your cucumber sushi with soy sauce and pickled ginger for a delicious and healthy meal. Enjoy!

What You Will Need

First, you will need a cutting board and a sharp knife. It is very important to use a sharp knife when cutting cucumber for sushi so that the cucumber slices are thin and even. If you do not have a sharp knife, you can use a mandoline to slice the cucumber thinly.

Next, you will need to cut the ends off of the cucumber. Cut the cucumber in half, and then cut each half into thirds. These pieces should be about 4 inches long.

Once the ends are cut off, it is time to start slicing the cucumber into thin slices. Start by cutting the cucumber length-wise into thin slices. Try to make the slices as even as possible so that they will lay flat in your sushi roll. Once you have sliced the entire cucumber, cut each slice in half so that they are about 2 inches wide.

Now that your cucumber is sliced, it is time to start rolling your sushi!

Step One: Pick a cucumber that is the right size

The cucumber you pick should be about the same size as the sushi roll you are making. If you are making a hosomaki roll, which is a small, thin roll, then pick a cucumber that is small and thin. If you are making a futomaki roll, which is a large, thick roll, then pick a cucumber that is large and thick.

Step Two: Cut off one end of the cucumber
Step Three: Cut the cucumber in half
Step Four: Cut each half of the cucumber in half
Step Five: Peel the skin off each quarter of the cucumber
Step Six: Slice each quarter of the cucumber into thin pieces

Step Two: Cut off one end of the cucumber

Use a knife to cut off one end of the cucumber at a 45-degree angle. Cut only a small bit off—you just want to create a flat surface for the cucumber to stand on. You can cut off both ends if you want, but it’s not necessary.

Step Three: Slice the cucumber vertically

After you have cut off the ends of the cucumber, it is time to slice it vertically. Start by cutting the cucumber in half, then turn each half so that it can lay flat on your cutting board. Slice the cucumber length-wise into thin strips. Depending on how thick or thin you want your sushi rolls to be, you can make your strips as thick or thin as you like. Just be sure that they are all relatively even in thickness.

Step Four: Slice the cucumber horizontally

After you have cut the cucumber into quarters, it is time to slice them horizontally. You will want to do this step carefully so that all of your slices are even in thickness. This will ensure that your cucumber sushi rolls look nice and tidy.

To slice the cucumber quarters horizontal, first start by holding one of the quarters in your hand with the cut side facing up. Then, using a sharp knife, slowly start slicing the cucumber quarter downwards until you have reached the end. Repeat this process with the remaining cucumber quarters.

Step Five: Repeat steps three and four

Now that you have your cucumber cut into long, thin strips, it’s time to repeat steps three and four. This will help ensure that all of your cucumber strips are the same size and shape.Next, use your knife to make long, thin cuts down the length of the cucumber strips. Again, try to make all of the cuts as even as possible. Finally, use your knife to make sure that the strips are all the same width.

Step Six: Cut the cucumber into thin strips

After you have cut the cucumber in half, length-wise, you will need to cut it into thin strips. To do this, simply slice the cucumber half length-wise, as thinly as possible. Once you have sliced the cucumber half, you can then cut the strips into smaller pieces if you like.


Now that you know how to cut cucumber for sushi, you can enjoy this delicious dish at home! Just be sure to use a sharp knife and a cutting board, and don’t forget to slice the cucumber lengthwise. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!


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