How to Cut Toenails to Avoid Ingrown

How to Cut Toenails to Avoid Ingrown

by wpx_admin
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It’s important to know how to cut your toenails properly to avoid problems like ingrown toenails. Here are some tips on the best way to do it.

How to Cut Toenails to Avoid IngrownCheckout this video:


Your toenails are made up of a hard protein called keratin. They protect your toes from injury and help keep your balance while you walk. Toenails should be trimmed short, straight across, and slightly rounded at the edges.

If you cut them too short or curve them inward (called “curving”), you may invite an ingrown toenail. An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows into the flesh instead of over it. This can happen on one or both sides of the toenail. Ingrown toenails can be painful and even lead to infection.

Here are some tips on how to cut your toenails the right way:

-Use a clean, sharp nail clipper or scissors. Cut nails straight across, slightly rounded at the edges.
-Don’t cut nails too short. Leave about a millimeter of nail above the flesh (the part of your toe that you can see when looking down at your foot).
-If you have diabetes or poor circulation, ask your doctor or podiatrist (foot doctor) to trim your nails for you.

What are Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails are a common condition in which the edge of the toenail grows into the flesh of the toe. This can happen to anyone, but is more common in people who have diabetes or poor circulation. Ingrown toenails can be painful and can lead to infection.


There are several different ways that an ingrown toenail can develop. It can occur when the edge or corner of the toenail grows into the soft flesh. This can happen when the toenail is too long and begins to curl over, when shoes are too tight and crowd the toes, or when the toenail is injured. Ingrown toenails can also be caused by fungal infections, which cause the nails to become thickened and deformed.


Ingrown toenails usually start with mild pain and redness around the edge or corner of the toenail. Symptoms can worsen if the toe becomes infected. Infected ingrown toenails can cause:
-intense foot pain
-red, swollen skin around the toenail
-pus or fluid drainage from the toe
-tenderness when touchiing the toe or nail area

How to Cut Toenails to Avoid Ingrown

Cutting toenails may seem like a simple task, but if not done properly, it can lead to ingrown toenails. To avoid this, follow these steps: (1) soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes, (2) use a toenail clipper to cut your toenails straight across, (3) file your toenails with an emery board, and (4) moisturize your feet. With proper care, you can avoid ingrown toenails and keep your feet healthy.

The Right Tools

Even if you have the steadiest hand in the world, trying to cut your toenails with regular nail clippers is asking for trouble. Toenail clippers are designed for fingernails, which are much thinner than toenails. Using regular clippers on your toenails can result in jagged edges that are more likely to get caught on things and cause an ingrown nail. Instead, invest in a good pair of toe nail clippers that are designed specifically for thicker toenails. This will help you get a clean cut that is less likely to lead to an ingrown nail.

In addition to the right type of nail clipper, you will also need a file. Again, do not use the same file you use on your fingernails. A foot file will be sturdier and will remove any sharp edges from your nails after you have clipped them. This will help reduce the chance of an ingrown nail.

The Right Technique

If you have nails that curve inward, you may be at risk for developing an ingrown toenail. An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of your nail grows into the flesh next to it. This can happen on one or both sides of your nail. The flesh around your nail may become red, swollen, and painful. You may also see pus or drainage.

If you have diabetes or poor circulation, you’re at greater risk for developing an infection from an ingrown toenail.

To help prevent ingrown toenails:

-Cut your nails straight across. Avoid rounding the corners of your nails.
-Use a file to smooth the edges of your nails after you cut them.
-Wear shoes that fit well and don’t squeeze your toes together.


Ideally, you should trim your toenails once a week. If you are prone to ingrown nails, you may need to trim them more often. Be sure to cut them straight across and not too short. You should also avoid rounding the corners of your nails.If you have diabetes or any other condition that causes poor circulation to your feet, you should see a podiatrist or other foot care specialist on a regular basis to have your nails trimmed.


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