How to Cut Salmon for Sushi

How to Cut Salmon for Sushi

by wpx_admin
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If you’re a sushi lover, you know that fresh salmon is a must-have ingredient. But how do you properly cut salmon for sushi? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do it like a pro!

How to Cut Salmon for SushiCheckout this video:


Salmon is a very versatile fish, and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. It is a popular choice for sushi, as it has a rich flavor and a firm texture that makes it easy to work with. When cutting salmon for sushi, it is important to use very sharp knives, and to take care to cut the fish into even slices. With a little practice, you will be able to produce perfect sushi-grade salmon slices at home.

Here are some tips on how to cut salmon for sushi:

1. Start by trimming off any dark meat or bloodline from the salmon fillet. It is important to use only the freshest, highest quality fish for sushi, so make sure your salmon is bright pink in color and free from any dark spots.

2. Cut the salmon fillet into even slices, about ¼ inch thick. If the fillet is particularly thick, you may want to cut it into slightly thinner slices.

3. To ensure that your salmon slices are all of uniform thickness, you can use a slicing jig. This is simply a wooden or plastic board with evenly spaced notches that you line the salmon up against before making your cuts.

4. Once you have cut your salmon into even slices, you can begin forming your sushi rolls. For traditional maki rolls, place one slice of salmon in the center of a sheet of nori seaweed, and then top with rice and other fillings of your choice before rolling up tightly.

5. For nigiri sushi, simply place a small mound of rice on top of each slice of salmon, and then press gently to form an oval shape. Nigiri sushi is typically served without any additional toppings or fillings.

What You’ll Need

In order to cut salmon for sushi, you’ll need the following items:

-A sharp knife: A serrated knife will work in a pinch, but a sharp, non-serrated sushi knife is ideal.
-A cutting board: A plastic cutting board is fine, but a bamboo sushi mat can also be used.
-A sheet of nori: Nori is dried seaweed paper that is used to wrap sushi rolls.
-Salmon fillet: Wild salmon is best, but farmed salmon will also work. Make sure the fish is fresh and has been properly refrigerated.

##Step One: Cutting the Salmon into Slabs
Cut the salmon fillet into two equal pieces. Place one piece of salmon on the cutting board, skin side down. Using a sharp knife, carefully slice the salmon against the grain into thick slabs. Try to cut the salmon as evenly as possible so that each slab is roughly the same size. Depending on the thickness of your fillet, you should be able to get 4-6 slabs out of each piece of fish. Set the slabs aside and repeat with the other piece of salmon.

##Step Two: Cutting the Slabs into Strips
Once you have all of your slabs cut, it’s time to turn them into strips. To do this, simply lay a slab flat on your cutting board and slice it length-wise into thin strips. Again, try to make each strip as even as possible in order to ensure uniformity in your sushi rolls. Once all of your strips are cut, you’re ready to start rolling!

Step One: Gut the Salmon

The first step in cutting salmon for sushi is to gut the salmon. To do this, make a small incision along the belly of the fish and remove the guts. Once the guts have been removed, rinse the fish inside and out with cold water.

Step Two: Remove the Head

Next, remove the head of the salmon. To do this, make a cut behind the gill plate and then cut through the backbone to remove the head. Again, rinse the fish inside and out with cold water.

Step Three: Remove the Fins

The next step is to remove the fins from the salmon. To do this, make a cut behind each fin and then pull them away from the body of the fish. You can discards these or save them for another use.

Step Four: Skin the Salmon

The next step is to skin the salmon. To do this, make a long cut down one side of the fish, starting at the head and ending at the tail. Then, carefully peel back the skin and discard it. If you find it difficult to remove all of the skin, you can use a knife to help with this task.

Step Five: Remove The Bloodline

The final step in cutting salmon for sushi is to remove **the bloodline** . This is a strip of dark meat that runs along either side of **the center bone** . To remove it, simply make a cut on either side of **the center bone** and then pull out **the bloodline** . Finally, rinse **the sushi-grade salmon fillets** one last time with cold water and they will be ready to use in your favorite sushi recipe!

Step Two: Remove the Head

With the salmon on its side, use a sharp knife to cut behind the gills and decapitate the fish. You can reserve the head for soup or discard it. Next, run your knife along the length of the fish to remove the belly and intestines. Again, you can reserve these for soup or discard them.

Step Three: Remove the Fins

Using a sharp knife, cut along both sides of the salmon, following the line of the backbone. You will need to apply a little more pressure when you reach the fins.

Remove the fins by cutting them away from the rest of the fish. You can either discard them or save them to use in another dish.

Cut along both sides of the salmon, following the line of the backbone.
Apply a little more pressure when you reach the fins.
Remove the fins by cutting them away from the rest of the fish.

Step Four: Cut Along the Belly

After you have filleted the salmon, it is time to cut it into sushi-sized pieces. The best way to do this is to first cut along the belly, as this will give you nice, even slices.

-Start by cutting off the head of the salmon.
-Then, make a long, shallow cut along the length of the belly.
-Be careful not to cut too deep, as you don’t want to puncture the other side of the fish.
-Once you have made your cut, you can then begin slicing the salmon into Pieces that are about an inch thick.

Step Five: Slice the Salmon

After the fillet has been cut into three even pieces, it is time to slice the salmon. Slice the salmon against the grain into strips that are about 1/2-inch wide. To make slicing easier, you can put the salmon in the freezer for about 15 minutes beforehand.


Now that you know how to cut salmon for sushi, you can impress your friends and family with your sushi-making skills. Just remember to use a sharp knife and follow the steps carefully. With a little practice, you’ll be a sushi pro in no time.


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