How to Cut Quarter Round Molding

How to Cut Quarter Round Molding

by wpx_admin
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Learn how to cut quarter round molding like a pro with this step-by-step guide. Find out what tools you need and get tips for making clean, precise cuts.

How to Cut Quarter Round MoldingCheckout this video:


You will need a miter saw, a coping saw, or a hand saw to make the cuts for the quarter round molding. You will also need a drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, and nails. If you are using a miter saw, you will need to set the blade to the proper angle and make sure that the fence is in the correct position.

Miter saw

A miter saw is a tool used to make precise cuts in wood. It is often used to cut molding or trim, and can also be used to make cuts for door frames, window frames, and other projects. Miter saws come in different sizes and types, but the most common type is the 10-inch sliding miter saw. This type of saw has a blade that slides on a rail, allowing you to make longer cuts.

Coping saw

A coping saw is a type of handsaw that is specifically designed for cutting crown molding, baseboards, and other moldings used in woodworking and carpentry. It has a thin, flexible blade that can be turned in any direction, making it ideal for following the contours of molding. The blade is also removable, so it can be replaced if it becomes damaged.

To use a coping saw, first mark your cutting line with a pencil. Then, insert the blade into the saw at the top of the cutting line and hold it in place with your thumb. With your other hand, hold the saw handle and begin to saw back and forth along the line. The blade will cut through the wood on both the up and down strokes.

If you need to make a turnaround at the end of your cut, simply remove the blade from the saw and insert it into the hole you just cut. Then, turn the saw around so that the blade is pointing in the opposite direction and continue cutting until you reach the end of your line.


To cut quarter round with a jigsaw, first measure and mark the molding to be cut. Then, using a pencil, draw a line down the center of the molding. Next, clamp the quarter round to a work surface.

Before cutting, be sure to wear eye protection and a dust mask. To cut, align the blade of the jigsaw with the marked line and slowly guide the tool along the line. Cut slowly and apply gentle pressure to avoid chipping or splintering the wood. After cutting, use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges.


You will need the following materials to cut quarter round molding: a miter saw, a coping saw, wood glue, clamps, a hammer, and nails. You will also need a pencil and a tape measure.

Quarter round molding

Quarter round molding is used in a variety of settings, from baseboards to door casings. It’s a small molding that’s installed at the base of walls and doors to cover the gap between the trim and the floor. Quarter rounds are available in a variety of materials, including wood, vinyl, and composite. You can also find quarter rounds that are pre-painted or primed.

Wood glue

Wood glue is one of the most common adhesives used in woodworking and other crafts. It is specifically designed to bond wood together, and it dries clear so it can be used on a variety of surfaces. There are several different types of wood glue, so be sure to choose the right one for your project.

Cutting the molding

Quarter round molding is used in many different ways in homes. It can be used to cover up gaps between flooring and walls, or it can be used as decorative trim. It is important to know how to cut quarter round molding so that it can be used in the desired way. There are a few different ways to cut this type of molding, and each method will be described in detail.

Angle the miter saw

To install quarter round molding, you’ll need to cut it to size. The first step is to set your miter saw at a 45-degree angle. If you don’t have a miter saw, you can use a handsaw or another type of saw, but a miter saw will give you the most precise cuts.

Next, measure the length of the wall where you’ll be installing the molding and mark the quarter round so you know where to cut it. Cut the molding at a 45-degree angle, making sure to cut on the waste side of your mark.

Finally, test-fit the molding and make any necessary adjustments. Once you’re satisfied with the fit, you can install the quarter round using finishing nails or another type of nail.

Cut the molding

Cutting the molding is a simple process, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. Here are the basic steps:

1. Measure the length of the molding you need and mark it with a pencil.

2. Place the molding against the wall and uses a level to make sure it’s straight.

3. Use a miter saw to cut the molding at a 45-degree angle.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 until all the molding is cut.

Applying the molding

Quarter round molding is a type of wood molding that is typically used in decorative applications. It can be used to cover gaps between baseboards and floors, or to add a decorative touch to cabinets or furniture. Quarter round molding is also relatively easy to install, making it a good option for do-it-yourself projects. In this article, we will show you how to cut and install quarter round molding.

Glue the molding

Most quarter round molding sold today is made of MDF. MDF is an engineered wood product made of wood fiber and resin. It’s strong, but it can also be brittle, so take care when handling it. MDF is also very absorbent, so it’s important to prime it before painting or staining. I like to use a primer designed for gripping surfaces like molding, such as Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer.

When you’re ready to glue the molding, use a small bead of construction adhesive applied with a caulk gun. Use just enough glue to hold the molding in place, but don’t glob it on because you don’t want the glue to seep out and mar the surface of the molding when you press it into place.

If you have any gaps between the molding and the surface you’re attaching it to, fill them with caulk before you glue the molding in place.

Nail the molding

Start by nailing the molding in place. If you’re using a power nailer, set it on sequential fire mode so you can better control where the nails go. If you’re working with baseboard molding or any piece that will be visible from the front, use finishing nails and fill the holes with putty before painting.

For most other applications, such as door and window casings, stair treads, and crown molding, use a pneumatic nailer and 1-1/4 in. (or longer) finishing nails. If you don’t have access to an air compressor, use 6d or 8d finish nails and a hammer—just be careful not to mar the surface of the wood.


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