How to Cut Brussels Sprouts the Right Way

How to Cut Brussels Sprouts the Right Way

by wpx_admin
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If you’re looking for the best way to cut Brussels sprouts, then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to cut Brussels sprouts the right way so that they’re perfect every time.

How to Cut Brussels Sprouts the Right WayCheckout this video:


Brussels sprouts look like miniature cabbages, and are often mistaken for them. They are actually a member of the mustard family, and are related to kale, collards, and broccoli. Brussels sprouts can be green or purple, and are usually about the size of a marble.

Cutting Brussels sprouts the right way is important for two reasons: first, you want to make sure that all of the sprouts are cut evenly so that they will cook evenly; and second, you want to avoid cutting yourself! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cut Brussels sprouts the right way:

1) Rinse the Brussels sprouts in cold water.

2) Cut off the stem end of each Brussels sprout. You can do this with a knife or with a food processor. If you are using a knife, cut each sprout in half lengthwise before cutting off the stem end.

3) Peel off any outer leaves that are brown or discolored.

4) Slice the Brussels sprouts in half lengthwise. If they are very small, you can leave them whole.

5) Place the Brussels sprouts in a steamer basket or insert, and steam for 3-5 minutes until just tender. Do not overcook!

What You Will Need

-A sharp knife
-A cutting board
-A colander

First, cut off the tough end of the Brussels sprout stalk, then cut the sprouts in half from top to bottom. If your Brussels sprouts are especially large, you may want to quarter them instead.

Next, fill a bowl or a pot with cold water and add the halved or quartered Brussels sprouts. Allow them to soak for at least 5 minutes, then drain them in a colander.

Once they are drained, transfer the Brussels sprouts to a cutting board and begin slicing them thinly, perpendicular to the stalk. Slice as thinly or as thickly as you like; just be consistent so that they cook evenly.

Finally, transfer the sliced Brussels sprouts to a baking dish or roasting pan and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. roast in a preheated oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes, stirring once or twice during cooking. Serve hot.

Step One: Prep the Brussels Sprouts

The first step to cutting Brussels sprouts is to prep them. Start by trimming off the ends of the Brussels sprouts. Next, cut the Brussels sprouts in half length-wise. If you are working with very large Brussels sprouts, you may need to cut them into quarters.

Once the Brussels sprouts are prepped, it is time to start cutting them into thin slices. The easiest way to do this is to use a sharp knife and a cutting board. Start by slicing the Brussels sprouts thinly from the top down. You can also slice them thinly from the bottom up. Slice the Brussels sprouts until they are about 1/4-inch thick.

If you want to slice the Brussels sprouts even thinner, you can use a food processor or a mandoline slicer. These kitchen appliances will help you slice the Brussels sprouts quickly and evenly.

Once all of the Brussels sprouts are sliced, it is time to cook them. You can cook them in a variety of ways, such as roasting them in the oven or stir-frying them in a pan. No matter how you cook them, be sure to season them with salt, pepper and other spices before cooking.

Step Two: Cut the Brussels Sprouts

Now that you’ve prepped the Brussels sprouts, it’s time to start cutting. You can cut them in half, quarters, or thin slices, depending on how you want to use them.

To cut them in half:
1. Cut off the stem end of each Brussels sprout.
2. Cut the Brussels sprout in half from top to bottom.
3. If necessary, trim off any remaining stem on the halves.

To cut them into quarters:
1. Cut off the stem end of each Brussels sprout.
2. Cut the Brussels sprout in half from top to bottom.
3. Cut each half into quarters from top to bottom.
4. If necessary, trim off any remaining stem on the quarters.

To cut them into thin slices:
1. Cut off the stem end of each Brussels sprout.
2. Slice the Brussels sprouts thinly from top to bottom

Step Three: Rinse the Brussels Sprouts

Rinse the Brussels sprouts in a colander under cool water. If they seem especially dirty, you can soak them in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes before rinsing.

Step Four: Eat the Brussels Sprouts

Once you have completed steps one through three, it is now time to consume the Brussels sprouts. You can do this by cooking them and eating them as is, or by adding them to a dish. If you are going to cook them, there are a few different ways you can do so. You can roast them, sauté them, or even grill them. Whichever method you choose, make sure that you do not overcook the Brussels sprouts. If they are overcooked, they will become mushy and lose their flavor.


The best way to cut Brussels sprouts is to first remove the stem. Cut off the bottom of the stem, then cut the Brussels sprout in half from top to bottom. Next, slice the Brussels sprout in half again from top to bottom. Finally, slice the Brussels sprout into thin strips.


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