How to Cut a Rotisserie Chicken

How to Cut a Rotisserie Chicken

by wpx_admin
Updated on

Cut a whole rotisserie chicken into pieces using this easy tutorial. You’ll have chicken ready for salads, sandwiches, and more in no time!

How to Cut a Rotisserie ChickenCheckout this video:


Congratulations on your new rotisserie chicken! This delicious bird is a great way to feed a large family or group, and it’s also perfect for those who want an easy meal without any hassle. But how do you go about cutting a rotisserie chicken?

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Start by removing the chicken from the rotisserie. If it’s still hot, let it cool for a few minutes so that you can handle it more easily.

2. Cut away any skin that is loose or hanging off the chicken. You can leave some of the skin on if you prefer, but be sure to remove any that is Burn (ed) or (ing).

3. Use a sharp knife to remove the legs and thighs from the body of the chicken. You can do this by cutting along either side of the breastbone, or by following the natural joint lines.

4. Once the legs and thighs have been removed, cut each one into individual pieces – thighs can be cut into two or three pieces, while legs can be left whole or cut into two pieces at the knee joint.

5. Now it’s time to remove the wings. Use your knife to cut through the joints connecting the wings to the body, then cut each wing into two or three pieces.

6. The final step is to remove the breast meat from the carcass. Start by cutting along each side of the breastbone, then use your knife to carefully strip the meat from the bone in one piece. You can then cut this piece of breast meat into smaller pieces if desired.

What You’ll Need

-1 rotisserie chicken
-1 cutting board
-1 chef’s knife
-1 set of kitchen shears

Step 1: Place the rotisserie chicken on a cutting board. Using a chef’s knife, cut through the skin that connects the legs to the body of the chicken. Cut as close to the body as possible.

Step 2: Use your knife to remove each leg from the body of the chicken. You may need to use a little force to get through the joint connecting the leg to the body.

Step 3: Once you have removed both legs from the chicken, use your knife and/or kitchen shears to remove the thighs from the legs. Set aside the thighs for later use.

Step 4: Using your knife, make a horizontal cut along one side of the breastbone of the chicken. Cut as close to the bone as possible.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 on the other side of breastbone. You should now be able to lift off each half of the chicken breast with ease. Set aside breasts for later use.

You have now successfully dismantled your rotisserie chicken! Congratulations!

Step-by-Step Instructions

1.Start by removing the chicken from the rotisserie.

2.Cut off the legs at the joints and set them aside.

3.Using a sharp knife, cut along both sides of the breastbone to remove the breast meat in one piece.

4.Cut the breast meat into smaller pieces, if desired.

5.Remove the wings by cutting through the joint that connects them to the body.

6.Cut through the skin that connects the drumettes to the rest of the wing, if desired.

Tips and Tricks

Cutting a rotisserie chicken can be tricky, but with a few tips and tricks, you can have beautifully cut chicken that is perfect for any meal.

First, start by removing the legs and thighs from the chicken. To do this, simply hold the chicken in one hand and use the other hand to cut through the skin between the leg and body. Once you have cut through the skin, you should be able to easily pull the legs away from the body.

Next, remove the wings from the chicken. To do this,cut through the skin between the wing and body. Once you have cut through the skin, you should be able to easily pull the wing away from the body.

Finally, remove the breast meat from the chicken. To do this, start at the neck of the chicken and gently push your fingers under the breast meat to loosen it from the body. Once you have loosened the breast meat, you should be able to easily pull it away frombody.


Now that you know how to cut a rotisserie chicken, you can enjoy this delicious and convenient food even more. Be sure to experiment with different cuts and techniques to find the best way to enjoy your rotisserie chicken.


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