How to Cut a Mango Hack

How to Cut a Mango Hack

by wpx_admin
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Check out this amazing hack on how to cut a mango in under 10 seconds!

How to Cut a Mango HackCheckout this video:

Cutting a Mango Length-Wise

Place the mango standing upright on the cutting board.

Score the mango length-wise, being careful not to cut too deep. You should feel the knife hit the pit in the center of the mango.

Next, make a second cut on the other side of the mango, again being careful not to cut too deeply.

Now you should have two long pieces of fruit still attached to the pit in the center.

To remove each piece of fruit, simply hold it in your hand and slice downwards, away from the pit.

Finally, use a spoon or your knife to scoop out any remaining fruit from around the pit.

Slice off each end of the mango, as close to the pit as possible.

With the fruit standing on one of the cut ends, use a sharp knife to score the flesh of the mango length-wise and then crosswise, without cutting through the skin. Turn the mango inside out so that the cuts are exposed, then use a spoon to scoop out the cubes of flesh.

Score the flesh of the mango length-wise, being careful not to cut through the skin.

Using a sharp knife, score the flesh of the mango length-wise, being careful not to cut through the skin. You should end up with 4 or 5 length-wise cuts.

Next, make cross-wise cuts through the mango, starting at the scored lines and being careful not to cut through the skin. When you’re finished, you should have a grid of mango cubes.

Finally, using your fingers or a spoon, scoop out the cubes of mango from the skin. Serve as is or use in your favorite recipe!

Turn the mango inside out and cut off the strips of mango.

Here’s how to cut a mango length-wise in just a few quick steps:

1. Start by cutting off each end of the mango, as close to the pit as possible.

2. score the flesh of the mango length-wise, being careful not to cut through the skin.

3. Turn the mango inside out and cut off the strips of mango.

4. Finally, cut off any remaining flesh from around the pit.

Cutting a Mango Width-Wise

Place the mango standing upright on the cutting board.

Cutting a mango width-wise is a great way to get long, thin slices of mango. It’s also a handy way to avoid the large, flat seed in the center of the fruit. To cut a mango width-wise, simply follow these steps:

1. Place the mango standing upright on the cutting board.
2. Use a sharp knife to make a lengthwise cut along one side of the mango, starting at the top and cutting down to the bottom.
3. Turn the mango so that the cut side is facing down and repeat Step 2 on the other side.
4. Use a fork to hold one of the halves of the mango in place while you make lengthwise cuts through the flesh, being careful not to cut through the skin.
5. Finally, use the fork to scoop out the slices of mango from each half of the fruit.

Slice off each end of the mango, as close to the pit as possible.

Once you have cut off the ends of the mango, you will be able to see the large, flat pit in the center of the fruit. You will want to slice off each side of the mango, as close to the pit as possible. Be sure to use a sharp knife and take your time with this step, as it can be tricky. Once you have sliced off both sides of the mango, you can remove the skin by simply peeling it away with your fingers or a paring knife.

Score the flesh of the mango width-wise, being careful not to cut through the skin.

Score the flesh of the mango width-wise, being careful not to cut through the skin.

Cut along the scored lines, being sure to hold onto the skin as you cut so that you don’t accidentally cut yourself.

Turn the mango slices inside out so that the skin is on the outside and the flesh is on the inside.

Use a spoon to scoop out the flesh of the mango slices, or enjoy as is!

Turn the mango inside out and cut off the strips of mango.

Have you ever wondered how to properly cut a mango? If you’ve ever been to a cooking class or watched a cooking show, you’ve probably seen chefs cut mangoes lengthwise. But what if I told you there’s a better way?

Turn the mango inside out and cut off the strips of mango. This will give you nice, even pieces of mango that are perfect for snacking on or using in recipes. And it’s so much easier than trying to slice a mango lengthwise!


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